Kim and Simon McMahon

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updated at: Thu 02 Nov 2017

Wasmac ASH was formed 15 years ago. We both pride ourselves on our reputation for turning out immaculate presented horses in the show ring or in campdrafting. Copra being a main contributor to enable us to do this. We have always been competitive up to National level winning the ridden pleasure 4yo stallion class, led 4yo stallion class and Champion Led Stallion. We have performed for numerous Champions and Supremes at Agricultural Shows in led, ridden and working. At branch level we have always earned high point awards for the seasons in mare, gelding, stallion and overall categories.

At Wasmac Kim coaches both privately, in a clinic environment and also attends local pony clubs to coach. Events can be publicly seen on our Facebook page. Visiting coaches frequent Wasmac ASH including Mat Holz and Maryanne Gough to hold clinics. Simon doesn’t coach but has strict expectations on how the property is presented at all times to the public and always involves himself in the liaison at events.

Simon comes from a family background where dad was the local farrier, racehorse trainer, show jumper and rodeo rider. Brothers and sisters all pulled their weight to run the farm, help with race horses, played polocrosse, showed and did pony club. Lucky for this family the race course was across the road. Pony club was here too.

Kim comes from a background of pony club, racing stables as a foreman, showing, dressage, boutique thoroughbred breeding studs and showing ASH.

We are proud of what we do and how we do it. We are proud to say copra has been a part of our success and would appreciate sponsorship to be able to continue to use and promote the product.

We are planning a massive return to the competition scene after dealing with a health concern that certainly has made us look at things in a different light.